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Defense Mechanisms

To avoid unconscious conflicts or anxiety people unconsciously use defense mechanisms to cope. These mechanisms protect us from painful experiences or emotions. These patterns can be adaptive or maladaptive. Projection, splitting, and acting-out are usually maladaptive. Use of humor is considered adaptive.

Projection - When a person falsely attributes his own feelings, thoughts, or impulses to others. Adults with low self esteem become very critical of others who have the same problems they unconsciously perceive. 

Splitting - When a person views himself or others as all good or all bad, and alternates between these extremes. 

Acting-out - When a person acts without thinking or regard for the consequences.

Denial - When a person denies the reality of the situation. For example, I really do not have a drinking problem. A counselor should try to help the person identify the problem for himself instead of pointing it out to him. 

Repression - When a person unconsciously hides his uncomfortable feelings, thoughts, or experience so they are not remembered. This is probably the most commonly used defense mechanism, and the bases for all others. 

Suppression - When a person consciously tries to hides his uncomfortable feelings, thoughts, or experiences. 

Rationalization - When a person gives an incorrect explanation for his behavior to justify what he did. 

Reaction Formation - When a person does the opposite of his own unacceptable thoughts, feelings, or actions. 

Somatization - When a person becomes overly preoccupied with his health. 

Autistic Fantasy - When a person becomes preoccupied with day-dreaming, instead of pursuing relationships. 

Idealization - When a person thinks unrealistically more highly of himself or others.

Devaluation - When a person thinks unrealistically more lowly of himself or others.

Displacement - When a person redirects his feelings on to someone else. For example, the boss yells at husband, the husband comes home and yells at the wife, the wife in turn yells at the kids, and the kids kick the dog.

Intellectualization - When a person  uses excessive abstract thinking to avoid his feelings.

Passive Aggressive - When a person indirectly expresses aggression toward others. Instead of directly saying no to a job, they drag the job out or make mistakes doing it.

Isolation - When a person is unable to experience the thought and feeling together of an experience. His feelings remain hidden. 

Undoing - When a person's action are meant to symbolically atone for his bad thoughts, feelings, or actions. 

Dealing with Defense Mechanisms

Self deceiving defense mechanisms should be replaced by proper ways of coping. 

The first step is to realize what defense mechanisms you are using. Conscious control helps overcome unconscious defense mechanisms. 

Forgive others that have wronged you.

Forgive your self when a wrong is done. 

Forgiveness is the best defense against unhappiness and depression. 

Forgetting those things in the past and press on toward the future. 

Patience is a virtue. The immature want it their way now, and become easily frustrated and unhappy.

Accepting and giving love is a great defense against loneliness and inferiority feelings.

Have the ability to laugh at yourself and your mistakes.

Redirect your energy in positive ways. Hostile energy can be channeled into sports and exercise.  

Getting enough sleep and dreaming can help restore your strength. 

Mental Health Quiz

  1. Do you feel sorry for things you have done wrong?
  2. Do you feel depressed? 
  3. Do you have trouble sleeping?
  4. Do you have bad dreams?
  5. Do you have a loss of appetite?
  6. Do you have thoughts of suicide?
  7. Do you have thoughts of homicide?
  8. Do people read you mind?
  9. Do they put thoughts in your head, or take thoughts out?
  10. Do you hear voices that only you can hear?
  11. Do you see things that only you can see?
  12. Are people trying to kill you?
  13. Do you like to be alone?
  14. Do you worry more than most people?
  15. Do you easily get angry?
  16. Do you get along with most people?
  17. Do you have mood swings?
  18. Have you ever been arrested?
  19. How long have you been employed?
  20. Have you ever been divorced? 
  21. Have you been abused?
  22. Did you drop out of school?
  23. Did you get along with your father?
  24. Did you get along with your mother?
  25. How was your childhood? Happy or sad, strict or lenient?

Learning from this Quiz

  1. Do you feel sorry for things you have done wrong?

    Some one who is never sorry, or has no regrets for doing something wrong has serious problems. 

  2. Do you feel depressed? 

    All of us feel depressed at times. When depression interferes with your normal functions for more than six months it is considered a major depression. I person stays in bed and does not get up and go to work.

  3. Do you have trouble sleeping?

    There is trouble trying to fall asleep, and there is trouble with waking up early and not being able to get back to sleep.

  4. Do you have bad dreams?

    Major stress can cause one to have nightmares. 

  5. Do you have a loss of appetite?

    Anxiety or depression can cause a loss of appetite.

  6. Do you have thoughts of suicide?

    Someone very depressed may have thoughts of suicide. Take every threat of suicide seriously. See how serious the threat is. Do they have a gun loaded ready to shoot? Stay on the phone until they unload the gun or turn off the gas. 

  7. Do you have thoughts of homicide?

  8. Do people read you mind?

    People with schizophrenia may think that someone is trying to read their mind. The TV can hear their thoughts and see what they are doing. The phone can read their mind. 

  9. Do they put thoughts in your head, or take thoughts out?

    People with schizophrenia may think that someone is trying to put thoughts into their head or take thoughts out. Usually they think someone is after them. The CIA is following them. The air conditioner is reading their mind. This is paranoia. 

  10. Do you hear voices that only you can hear? 

    Someone who hears things that no one else can hear is having a psychotic episode. They need help right away. Usually anti-psychotic medicine will help.

  11. Do you see things that only you can see?

    Someone who sees things that no one else can see is having a psychotic episode. They need help right away. Usually anti-psychotic medicine will help. Certain illegal drugs cause hallucinations. 

  12. Are people trying to kill you?

    Someone is paranoid if they think someone is trying to kill them, or poison them. 

  13. Do you like to be alone?

    Loners like to stay to themselves and are more prone to depression.

  14. Do you worry more than most people?

    Anxiety disorders and phobias. 

  15. Do you easily get angry?

    Some people have a hard time controlling their impulses.

  16. Do you get along with most people?

  17. Do you have mood swings?

    Those who have disruptive mood swings have bipolar disorder, also called manic-depression. They have mood swings from mania to depression.  

  18. Have you ever been arrested?

    Those who have a criminal record usually have antisocial behavior. 

  19. How long have you been employed?

    People who can not keep a job are unstable.

  20. Have you ever been divorced? 

  21. Have you been abused?

  22. Did you drop out of school?

  23. Did you get along with your father?

  24. Did you get along with your mother?

  25. How was your childhood? Happy or sad, strict or lenient?


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