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Biology the study of life, from the Greek bio meaning "life," and ology  meaning "study of." 

The Six Kingdom Classification System

  1. Archaea- one cell organism feeding on inorganic (non-living) matter, found near deep ocean thermal vents, and in hot springs.
  2. Monera- one cell organism with no nucleus (prokaryotic cell), bacteria.
  3. Protista- one cell organism with a nucleus (eukaryotic cell), protozoa. 
  4. Plants- multicellular organism that use chlorophyll to make their own food, and lack locomotion. There are two main types of plants.
    1. Simple
      1. Algae
      2. Mosses
    2. Vascular
      1. Ferns
      2. Non-flowering
      3. Flowering plants
  5. Fungi- multicellular organism lacking locomotion that obtains food by absorbing dead or living organisms. There are two types of fungi.
    1. Fungi
      1. Yeasts
      2. Molds
      3. Mushrooms
    2. Lichens
  6. Animals- multicellular organisms with locomotion obtaining food from outside organic sources. There are two main types of animals.
    1. Invertebrates-(no backbone)
      1. Coelenterates- (hollow insides) sponges, jellyfish, and coral.
      2. Echinoderms- (spiny skin) starfish, and sand dollar.
      3. Mollusks- (soft body with hard shell) snails (one shell), clams (two shells), and ones with no shells.
      4. Arthropods- (jointed legs).
        1. Myriapods- Centipedes (40 legs) and Millipedes (100 legs).
        2. Crustaceans- Crabs, shrimp, crayfish, and lobsters.
        3. Arachids- (8 legs, 2 body parts) spiders, ticks
        4. Insects- (6 legs, 3 body parts) flies, grasshoppers, bees, etc. 
    2. Vertebrates- (having backbones)
      1. Fish
      2. Amphibians
      3. Reptiles-cold blooded, lay eggs.
      4. Birds-warm blooded, lay eggs.
      5. Mammals-warm blooded, live birth. 

The Human Body—Nine Systems

  1. Circulatory System- heart, arteries, capillaries, and veins. Lymph nodes and the spleen help fight disease.
  2. Digestive System- mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestines, large intestines (colon), and liver which produces bile which is stored in the gallbladder.
  3. Respiratory System- lungs, trachea, and bronchi
  4. Excretory System- kidneys, and bladder.
  5. Nervous System- Brain, and nerves.
  6. Endocrine System- glands that secrete hormones that regulate the body activities.
    1. Pituitary - the master control gland, stimulates other glands, also growth hormone.
    2. Thyroid - secretes thyroxin which controls the body's metabolic rate.
    3. Parathyroids - controls calcium and phosphorus in the blood.
    4. Adrenal - adrenaline caused rapid increase in heart rate and blood pressure for fight or flight.
    5. Pancreas - produces insulin and glycogen.
    6. Sex glands - male hormone testosterone, female hormone estrogen. 
  7. Skeletal System- bones
  8. Muscular System- muscles
  9. Reproductive System- male, female.
